Antithesis-Dying for Life

Antithesis- Dying for Life

An incredible album,this new release from Antithesis is something that would indeed stick to mind and needs to be listened for a while in order to actually get the whole effect. Power Metal with touches of jazz, brutal riffs and crazy rhythms, these all make an unique combination in an album that can only be described as spectacular. While sometimes the rhythm breaks are used a little too much, that still does not affect the final outcome of the album.
truth is that , is there was a missing link between power and Death metal, it ain't missing anymore.
This band is indeed a bunch of talented fellows with a taste for experimenting and a god knowledge of their metal.
Accoustic arrangements combined with brutal riffs, you may ask? Yes, and it is bloody working , in a way that should be an example for all the new bands out there- there are many ways to make good metal, and you don't have to copy anybody in order to be good. Ty Cook, proves to be not only an experienced vocal, but also one with a lot of guts, and it should be interesting to see how he performs live...
"DECEIVER WITHIN" is the song that shows best his vocal qualities , who seem to be able to touch all kinds of metal, like the accustical trip of "TIMES OF TRIAL where he gives a special touch to this already great song. Although Antithesis seem to have been already labelled as "progressive power metal", I'd rather stay away from any kinds of categorising when it comes to them, and looking forward to their further appeaances. The European metal scene would probably be impressed by these americans, and I am looking forward to an eventual appearance of this band on any big stage this summer, although I have seen nothing announced yet:(( Fact is that this is an album to be considered, and would provide good value for your money, in more ways than one.


review by Simona, august 3rd, 2002