Armored saint- Symbol of Salvation

I must say i really like style of Saints. Its part powermetal, part trashy metal but i wouldnt set it to neither category straight away. Its hardbeating with tight guitarworks and part clear part schreechy John Bushes vocals who can sing emotionally or ripping way. Tight bassplay backing up. This would remind me maybe closest something like german band Sinner who is also kind of a powermetal band of a hardbeating kind with loud bass, drums, guitars. Only that when Sinner has that typical "german" power-ish touch, Saints have strong US-touch in them. Theres a good mix of groovy riffs and trashy riffs. Songs various from ballad (Tainted Past) thru more rocking (Thruth Always Hurts, Last Train To Home) and finally to trashfest (Spineless). Of which the last mentioned somewhat brings late 80's era Metallica to my mind, which is not a bad thing at all. My personal favourite would have to be bombastic mid-fast Dropping Like A Flies... that chorus just sticks to my head like hell. Last Train To Home is another highlight for me with its singalong chorus, and emotional beatiful but strong and heavy melodies. Im not gonna tell every song one by one here but the rest album keeps as high quality too and i really cant find weak spots here despite the ballad of which i dont use to listen anyway. Reign of Fire, Burning Question, Warzone, Hanging Judge and so on are great also as the rest... i really recommend people to check this overlooked band out, and Symbol Of Salvation is maybe their best work up to date. Along with this, i must recommend at least album Raising Fear but thats another story. Hot hot.

9.5/10 (almost perfect metal album!!!)
By taneli, 2003