Found at one second hand LP store. What can i say, a good album with some heroic metal and
powermetal elements. Something that i would definetely listen over Hammerfall these days
because its less cheesy, and little more powerfull with less annoying singer and more guitar
licks! Epic songtitles are typical but it doesn't get quite cheesy. Production is quite strong,
guitarwork is little like say Primal Fear or something, but its not as crunchy or heavy, even
though theres more guitarlicks here i think. Songs are strong throughout except title track
Dominator that sounds like messing in rhythm all time, to my ears anyway. Road To Eagles is
also slower balladkind... Epic songs like Warrior of The Wasteland and Nova Battlestar are
good while groovier and more hardbeating tracks Fugitive and beatiful Reach For The Sky kicks
ass with memorable choruses. What can i say, sounds like something pre-90's powermetal with
good epic elements and catchy melodies. A link somewhere between
Maidens and Primal Fear. Propably even a classic, recommended!
By Taneli, 2003