If you couldn’t tell by title of the album, this is an archive (best of) album. Archive albums can be a great way for newer fans to get exposed to a band by hearing all their classics in one album. On the other hand for older fans and fans who already own a great deal of material on the album, it may be a waste of money to buy the album. Treasure Chest is no exception. For newer fans this is a great album to get. It has all the classics on it including: I Want Out, Halloween, Keeper of the Seven Keys ect, ect. It also includes in the sleeve an in depth history of the band, including a discography, all the former band members and a tree telling which bands they came from and moved on too. I found the album to be well worth the money. It’s a double disc set sold at the price of one and include at least 70 minutes worth of classics on both disc’s(over 2 hours all together). Also available is a limited European version that contains a 3rd bonus disk of b-sides. Fans that already own a few Helloween albums may want to view the track list to see if it’s worth getting.
Track list:
Disc 1:
1. Mr. Torture
2. I Can
3. Power
4. Where The Rain Grows
5. Eagle Fly Free
6. Future World
7. Metal Invaders
8. Murderer
9. Starlight
10. How Many Tears
11. Ride The Sky
12. Halloween
13. A Little Time
14. A Tale That Wasn't Right
15. I Want Out
Disc 2:
1: Keeper of the Seven Keys
2: Dr. Stein
3: The Chance
4: Windmill
5: Sole Survivor
6: Perfect Gentlemen
7: In the Middle of a Heart Beat
8: Kings Will Be Kings
9: Time of the Oath
10: Forever & One
11: Midnight Sun
12: Mr. Ego
13: Immortal
14: Mirror, Mirror