King's Evil- Deletion of Humanoise

japanese thrash metal of good quality, great cover and tight old fashioned thrash metal, put together with a very good production, that is what King's Evil is, in a very short note. fans of Old Kreator and even older Slayer will be happy to hear this pure thrash metal, and the results of it all are quite spectacular, adding the exotic origin of the band. The album is tight and well put together, with good theme variations and very good riffing. Vocal lines in the good old barking style that made the 80's thrash metal so special. That Japan is striking back with great bands was something I was aware of, but it took this album for me to realise that they DO have good things going on over there. Although the band could do with a bit or originality, the final output is ndeed something for them to be proud about.
by Simona, January 2003