rebellion- Ascending

power metal out of Portugal- and good it is to hear it. Starting with a truly atmospheric part, it continues with pure fire and steel - strong, fast and catchy To make things even more exciting, this is a band who actually has a style of its own- as opposed to all those Helloween ripping band that have invaded the metal scene lately and could not be differentiated one by another... The style is pure power metal- flowing guitars, fast rhythm, good drumming and great vocals. the vocal fellow, Nelson Canário haswhat to be proud of- his voice can compete with the best of them out there, and when he screams,he screams it, all right! The album- Ascending- is a colection of good and catchy sogs, combining the fast songs with some very catchy midtempos- good guitar work worthy of attention For a four piece, this band is a lot better than the average power metal band, and I bellieve that teh European scene will welcome the apparition of this high class outfit- do not mix with the german band by the same name btw... a good bass line and flowing guitars are usually enough to make a half decent power metal band, but this one is a lot more than that A delightful album from a band that will definitely have a word to say in the future as long as they keep their path on this